Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Overall Purpose
1. What are you writing?
I am writing the proposal for the group project.
2. What prompts you to write?
I am writing to fulfill the deadline and to present a plausable proposal to Professor Ricker.
3. What outcomes do you desire?
I desire positive feedback regarding the preparation and supporting material I provide regarding the assigned requirements.
4. What outcome does your reader desire?
My reader desires the same.

Reader Profile
1. Who is your primary reader?
My primary reader is Professor Ricker.
2. What is your reader's relationship to you?
The reader is my professor for English 402.
3. What are your reader's job title and responsibilities?
My reader is an adjunct professor of English at WSUV and is responsible for guiding student's learning in technical and professional writing.
4. Who else might read your communication?
As I am posting this as a blog, my readers could be anyone from my classmates, group members, or anyone who accesses this site.
5. How familiar is your reader with your subject?
My reader is keenly familiar with my subject as it was assigned by them.
6. how familiar is your reader with your specialty?
My reader has some familiarity with my specialty in writing with the assignments that I have submitted.

Situational Analysis
1. What events and circumstances influence the way you should write?
I should be motivated to write because I am interested in my topic and I am commited to doing my best to fulfill the requirements to the best of my ability.
Usability Objectives (Reader's Tasks)
1. What are the key questions your reader will ask while reading?
My reader will ask questions of my product such as:
What is this product?
How does it differ than a similar product?
Is the proposed product better than what I have previously seen? In general, is it credible, believable, convincing?
2. How will your reader search for the answer? (The reader may use more than one strategy.)
x Sequential reading from beginning to end
Selective reading, as when using a reference book (What key terms will your reader look for?)
__ Other (Explain.)
3. How will your reader use the information you provide?
x Compare point by point (What will be the points of comparison?)
x Attempt to determine how the information you provide will affect him or her.
__ Attempt to determine how the information you provide will affect his or her organization.
__ Follow instruction step by step
__ Other (Explain.)

Persuasive Objectives (Reader's Attitudes)
1. What is your reader's attitude toward your subject? Why? What do you want it to be?
My reader has an unbiased opinion towards my subject because that is how grading is to be done. I want my reader to be biased TOWARDS, or in approval of my product.
2. What is your reader's attitude toward you? Why? What do you want it to be?
My reader's attitude towards me is either unbiased or negative. I want my reader's attitude towards me to be positive that I understand and work proficiently in their area of instruction.

1. Who, besides your readers, are stakeholders in your communication?
I am a stakeholder in my communication as it affects my grade. Also,my groupmembers ultimately are stakeholders in my communication as the outcome will also affect their grades.
2. How will they be affected by it?
These student's grades will be affected, so they will be thus affected.

1. What expectations, regulations, or other factors limit the way you can write?
I have a limited amount of time in which to complete this proposal, a set of structured instructions to carry out,and state and university laws/policies to abide by when writing this proposal.

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